My architectural education and practice has been a platform to explore the ‘expanded field’ of sculpture, conceptual art, music and writing.  I have a particular interest in land art with works such as The Temple of the Laugh (1994), international conceptual exhibition Los Angeles, Memorial To The Victims Of Abuse While In Residential Care (2012), finalist Dublin and Bishop Lucey Park Competition (2020) 3rd place, Cork.  These works blur the line between architecture and art, urbanism and landscape, as axiomatic structures, marked sites or site constructions as defined by Rosalind Krauss (1979).   My interest in the use of geometry and form as an offset from nature can be found in the work of Equivalent VIII, (Andre, 1966); Double Negative (Heizer, 1969); Valley Curtain (Christo, 1972); The Lightning Field, (de Maria, 1977); and Perimeters/Pavilions/Decoys (Miss, 1977).  The proposed work is an opportunity to execute a piece that blends narrative, history, mythology and geometry.