Catherine Ellis

There are many reasons for people leave the place they were born and attempt to fit in somewhere new to them.   

“….. shipload after shipload arrived.  
By the summer, the line of ships had grown several miles long…….
…. Some, half-alive, were placed in small boats and then deposited on the beach ….”. 

From History of Ireland, 1847 

Looking out at the calm waters of Lough Swilly it’s difficult to imagine that the waves can be as high as houses out in the open sea.  It takes resilience and fearlessness to put out to sea, more so in a less than seaworthy vessel.  This work is inspired by anyone who has had to take that journey, now or in the past. 

In 2019 on one day, an unprecedented amount of more than 200 small boats full of men, women and children attempted crossing the English Channel.   Using dinghies, kayaks and even a paddling pool. 

My art practice is based in Derry and is informed by everyday nuances as much as political, social and cultural issues.  It tends to be sculptural in form with material sensitivity and rooted in a sense of place.